on two separate trucks. Claude’s trunk went to our house. Father’s disappointment with the expedition resulted in him putting the trunk into the attic without examining it. And it has been there ever since. But that is not the end of the story. After settling back into the life we had before that fateful journey, Father received a letter, and I received a postcard. My postcard was just a picture of water somewhere-no message, no return address, just water.
Father’s letter was completely different. His was an invitation to the Grand Event at the National Society of Entomology in the city. It was for a very upscale event, where the guest speaker, and Man of the Year was to be Claude Philippe. Father seemed puzzled with the letter, and kept it in his front shirt pocket, pulling it out and re-reading it, then putting it away again. When the paperboy brought the Sunday newspaper, there was a picture of Claude