All of a sudden, a large spotlight lit up the center of the stage. From the other side of the trunk came Claude, dressed in the finest suit I had ever seen. He made his way to the trunk. Claude stood in front of the trunk, took a large key out of his pocket, and raised the key up in the air in a very dramatic style. Then he knelt down to unlock the trunk. CLICK ! The theater was so quiet and this was the only sound that could be
heard all the way up to the balcony. I don’t know what made me take my eyes off Claude at that moment, but suddenly I focused my attention on the trunk and noticed a piece was missing !! That night in the cargo hold, I had taken the piece off to find the hidden key. I had dropped it under the trunk out of my reach. In all the buzzing I never thought about retrieving it. Suddenly, it all became clear to me. Claude had never opened “his” trunk to